Testing setup for iptables through Docker

There is a way to locally get some experience with iptables, and to get a testable environment. This is easily achieved with a simple docker container. We’ll dive right in with the dockerfile and commands to get this running: FROM debian:latest # Install iptables and net-tools (for testing with ping, netstat, etc.). Install python3 to start web-servers RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y iptables net-tools iproute2 iputils-ping python3 && \ apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # Allow IPv4 forwarding (useful if testing NAT) RUN echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf The last command is just for illustration. This part will not delve deeper into testing NAT setups. ...

February 6, 2025 · 3 min · 626 words · Jens Penny

Updating Hugo on Digitalocean Spaces

Once in a blue moon I check if older projects still work. When updating this blog, I got greeted by this message: Damn you My Team, and the unwillingness to fix these errors. Either way: I’m putting some time aside to fix this while the daughters watch Frozen, so let’s get to it. They’re building a snowman already. Checking if there is a new build pack Normally, updating the default build pack should fix this. So lets see if there is a new one: ...

December 30, 2024 · 3 min · 500 words · Jens Penny

Thoughts on Diataxis

I have been using the Diataxis framework to write technical documentation for a while now, and I feel like it’s come to a point where it is useful to share a couple of thoughts on this. I’m not planning to re-explain all the concepts. For this you should just read the former link, or any other blog that explains the framework more in depth than I am willing to, but I do want to give an actual opinion on how it works, what it does well and what it is not. ...

December 23, 2023 · 3 min · 497 words · Jens Penny


I’m a frugal person by design. I abhor recurrent costs like netflix, so it comes to no surprise that when I try to deploy new things I try to wriggle out of any financial commitment my code asks of me. ...

November 23, 2022 · 2 min · 234 words · Jens Penny

A simple sun over a simple axis

I’ve spent a small part of my last evenings on getting a sun simulated, and travelling over a trajectory in my scene. In this post I’ll explain the different things I tried, and the actual implementation. ...

February 14, 2022 · 5 min · 856 words · Jens Penny

Sustainable side-projecting

I’ve been putting some more time into side projects like this blog and Three.js. The thing is that my dev-freezer is full with failed projects that got started enthusiastically but almost always snagged. This time I decided to approach it a bit differently. ...

December 27, 2021 · 3 min · 432 words · Jens Penny

Getting threejs up and stumbling

Most of the time I tend to stumble in a side-project. I stumbled into vue, stumbled into nuxt and at this moment, I decided to check out a bit of threejs. Initially, I thought this was a case of just using npm i three and start developing, but boy, whas I wrong. ...

September 14, 2021 · 4 min · 647 words · Jens Penny

Moving data from XML to sqlite

I’ve done a small project to parse a big xml file, and save the structured objects into a sqlite database for easier migration. The idea is that I absolutely detest xml exports, and that reasoning about data is still easier in their database-formats. Especially if you want others to use the same data. The export to sqlite is because its a good, compact format, and because it migrates pretty well to other databases like postgres. ...

6 min · 1229 words · Jens Penny