Well, the title of this blog-series is not pure fiction anymore. I have a beautiful baby daughter.

She caught us all by surprise, since we were supposed to just get a routine checkup at the hospital, but eight days before schedule she decided to peek out. Now the next phase starts: diapers and literally no sleep.

The first days went by okay though. The thing about babies is that they mostly actually need something when they cry. Most of the time this can be summed up by:

  • feed me
  • change my diaper
  • ..and that’s literally it.
    It’s the next step that is a bit trickier, getting her to sleep.

A friend showed me the ‘5 S-es’ , which have had varying results. The swaddling invokes a demonic rage, but shushing her very, very loudly actually seems to help. We now put some white noise on to help her sleep, and this has actually given us hopes and dreams. Hopes we’ll make this out alive, dreams of a better time about a year in the future.

That last part will just stay a dream probably. As the saying goes: Little kids little problems, bigger kids bigger problems.